Membership Form

Annual dues are $775 for single membership, or $1,375 for family membership. Membership includes Kol Ami’s High Holiday services. Dues are tax-deductible. The membership year is July 1 thru June 30.

Those willing and able are invited to join at Sustainer Levels: single membership ($1,200) or family membership ($2,500). These contributions more accurately reflect the costs of running our congregation and assist in providing a stable financial footing.

People who do not live in or near enough to the Washington, D.C. region, including former members who have moved away, are encouraged to join as Friends of Kol Ami. Dues for Friends are $300 per year.

New members joining after January 1 will be charged half the regular amount. Payments made for High Holiday services may be applied to the current year’s dues.

Financial hardship should never be a barrier to full participation and membership at Kol Ami. If you are unable to make full payment or want to arrange a payment plan, please have a confidential conversation with Kol Ami’s Treasurer or rabbi.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.


Annual dues are $775 for single membership, or $1,375 for family membership. Membership includes Kol Ami’s High Holiday services. Dues are tax-deductible. The membership year is July 1 thru June 30.

Those willing and able are invited to join at Sustainer Levels: single membership ($1,200) or family membership ($2,500). These contributions more accurately reflect the costs of running our congregation and assist in providing a stable financial footing.

People who do not live in or near enough to the Washington, D.C. region, including former members who have moved away, are encouraged to join as Friends of Kol Ami. Dues for Friends are $300 per year.

New members joining after January 1 will be charged half the regular amount. Payments made for High Holiday services may be applied to the current year’s dues.

Financial hardship should never be a barrier to full participation and membership at Kol Ami. If you are unable to make full payment or want to arrange a payment plan, please have a confidential conversation with Kol Ami’s Treasurer or rabbi.